Prayer, Connection, Community, Faith
Join this online prayer community to come together with like-minded people and lift one another up in prayer. “There is no power known to man more effective than the prayers of a God-fearing people.”

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Thank you for reaching out to our prayer chat website. Your prayer requests are important to us and they are prayed over the day that they arrive by a faith believing prayer person. If you are waiting to view a response to your request, please know we will post it very soon.
Prayer requests submitted will be reviewed/moderated before being posted online.
Hi I would like prayer for my sister.
She is a cold hearted person who is mean, cruel and heartless. She used to be Christian but then went into drug addiction and reckless behavior.
She's constantly physically and verbally abusive to everyone in my family including me and she never says sorry for it. I want prayer that God softens her heart and she becomes the nice young woman she used to be and to apologize to me and my family for her abuse.
Received: April 10, 2024
Pray for God to remove these murdering gunman from the land
Pray for God to send angel
thrust out the enemy from before us
Received: April 10, 2024
Pray the two kittens will be taken by no kill shelter To be adopted out.They have baby teeth but not permanent teeth.There are 3 other pregnant cats that I know of They live under apartment building and I heard cries during past two weeks. The landlord will not plug up holes for these cats to go into They feed on trash from huge trash container outside or food given by neighbors. There are 35-40 already..
Received: April 9, 2024
Betty George
I would like prayer support for me and my son. I have a nerve pain condition that does not respond to nerve meds, pain medicines The doctors have tried several treatment options and did not help. I have been fasting over a year that the Lord works in fasting and makes the difference on our lives and pain responds to treatments and medical care or the Lord heals me. If you could pray that for me and also on the season of fasting only hear the Lord's messages and all other voices that are untrue and distract from the Lord be excluded from me, husband and son. I have upcoming surgeries and for pain control in those and no complications.
Thanks, Betty
Received: April 9, 2024
Please pray for me to get a different job if it’s God’s will where I could potentially work from home and be home/off on Fridays. Pray that this job still pours into my retirement plan and is closer to home. I want it to be meaningful and serve a purpose.
Received: April 9, 2024
Samuel Božek
Shalom brothers and sisters,
I need an economic miracle. I am asking for prayers for me to get money to start my business (200,000 EUR) and I am also asking for prayers for me to have my own 3 bedroom apartment. Thank you.
May God bless you. Maranatha.
Received: April 8, 2024
Please heal me from the sickness RSV that has been going around.
Very detrimental as have multiple sclerosis and epilepsy as well, and this RSV is flaring my neurological issues. Thanks.
Received: April 8, 2024
Im sending an unspoken request for Tara for the Lord to show her favor in a situation she dealing with at this time.
Received: April 7, 2024
Resources, jobs, education, aid & opportunities for the billions trapped in poverty; For God's grace & peace to comfort all who are suffering; For the Holy Spirit to draw countless souls to the Father through Jesus; Strength for ministers of the Gospel & for more workers for local & international service; Peace & protection for all of the people of Israel & swift end to war; True and lasting revival to sweep across America and the earth; Saved loved ones to walk in the fullness of the Spirit
Received: April 7, 2024
Margaret Jeremiah
Please pray for my marriage not to end. My husband moved out of our bedroom four months ago and my apologies for any wrongdoing has yielded no peace. He told me that he has had enough due to how I have treated him the last 23 years. I love him deeply and the wrongs he is referencing are the normal things people differ about in marriage. He is not accepting he has not been perfect. I do not want the marriage to end after all these years and our kids being 15 and 11. Please pray for God to intervene and save our marriage and for my husband to listen to God..
Received: April 7, 2024
Father-God, Helps??? Father-God, Not my will, Thy Will Be Done? another Better, Employment, job, that Pays better, work at Home or work from Home, Self Employed, that l can do, still pickup my son from school Bus stop and take to school bus stop, Father-God, HELPS, Not my Will, Thy Will Be Done, on Earth? Amen??? UnEmployment is hurting me alot?? Can't pay Anything at all?? Behind Paying Rent, Electric and Gas Service, can't put food on the table?? Etc... Father-God Helps, your servant louie g. In Jesus Name Amen
Received: April 6, 2024
I would like prayer to have more faith in God, to wait on him to answer my prayer and to also not have anxiety/negative thoughts
Received: April 4, 2024
Please pray for my cousin Doug. He is homeless and he is struggling with a very serious addiction. Please pray for his salvation, that God will deliver him from his addiction, transform him and heal his mind and life. Also, Please pray for my son, Jonathan. He is facing some potentially life changing hardships and circumstances. Please ask God to deliver him from those who want to harm him and to give him favor where he needs favor in his life.
Received: April 4, 2024
Johnny Cullum
Pray for God to remove these murdering gunman from the land
Thrust out the enemy from before us
Received: April 4, 2024
Charlene Fredenburg
Please pray for two little boys with cancer. Julion is five years old and I don't know the other little boys name but it starts with an m. He is three years old. I pray for their recovery in Jesus name. Thank you so much.
Received: April 3, 2024
Father-God HELP's Your servant louie g. Get better in Health and Well being, so l can share the Gospel message with as many lost souls, Possible, that l can reach them with Gospel Message and put in as many, many, many Hands Possible,?? Father-God Helps and maintain my Health. and Well Being, Your servant louie g.,Thy Will Be Done? Father-God, Thy Will Be Done? Thank You Father-God. I'm Jesus Name Amen
Received: April 2, 2024
please pray for my health and life i need finances as well
god bless you all
Received: April 2, 2024
Lord Jesus, lay flat the demons and enemies in my house that attack me and seek my destruction and the destruction of my kids. Let their mocking and attacks be tolerated no more as they hinder our work for you. Make tomorrow a day to awake to a mopped, stain free floor forever forward. In your name Jesus!
Received: April 1, 2024
I am reaching out for prayer because I feel so lost at this point and I don't know where to turn. I am dealing with so much pain and anger in my life despite the positive things that have been happening that help alleviate the bad. I feel like when I get kicked I stay down and it takes such a long time to get back up. I lost a huge part of myself in September 2023 when my father died and I have not felt like I've been able to find stable ground since then. My lord I am in so much pain. I am in a bubble of anxiety, pain, and anger constantly and while I want to move outside of this and I make an effort.. when I start to push forward I feel like I trip myself up. I need prayer for my mental health, my relationships, and just my life.
Received: April 1, 2024
Powered by Prayer Engine
Prayer requests submitted will be reviewed/moderated before being posted online.
Hi I would like prayer for my sister.
She is a cold hearted person who is mean, cruel and heartless. She used to be Christian but then went into drug addiction and reckless behavior.
She's constantly physically and verbally abusive to everyone in my family including me and she never says sorry for it. I want prayer that God softens her heart and she becomes the nice young woman she used to be and to apologize to me and my family for her abuse.
Received: April 10, 2024
Pray for God to remove these murdering gunman from the land
Pray for God to send angel
thrust out the enemy from before us
Received: April 10, 2024
Pray the two kittens will be taken by no kill shelter To be adopted out.They have baby teeth but not permanent teeth.There are 3 other pregnant cats that I know of They live under apartment building and I heard cries during past two weeks. The landlord will not plug up holes for these cats to go into They feed on trash from huge trash container outside or food given by neighbors. There are 35-40 already..
Received: April 9, 2024
Betty George
I would like prayer support for me and my son. I have a nerve pain condition that does not respond to nerve meds, pain medicines The doctors have tried several treatment options and did not help. I have been fasting over a year that the Lord works in fasting and makes the difference on our lives and pain responds to treatments and medical care or the Lord heals me. If you could pray that for me and also on the season of fasting only hear the Lord's messages and all other voices that are untrue and distract from the Lord be excluded from me, husband and son. I have upcoming surgeries and for pain control in those and no complications.
Thanks, Betty
Received: April 9, 2024
Please pray for me to get a different job if it’s God’s will where I could potentially work from home and be home/off on Fridays. Pray that this job still pours into my retirement plan and is closer to home. I want it to be meaningful and serve a purpose.
Received: April 9, 2024
Samuel Božek
Shalom brothers and sisters,
I need an economic miracle. I am asking for prayers for me to get money to start my business (200,000 EUR) and I am also asking for prayers for me to have my own 3 bedroom apartment. Thank you.
May God bless you. Maranatha.
Received: April 8, 2024
Please heal me from the sickness RSV that has been going around.
Very detrimental as have multiple sclerosis and epilepsy as well, and this RSV is flaring my neurological issues. Thanks.
Received: April 8, 2024
Im sending an unspoken request for Tara for the Lord to show her favor in a situation she dealing with at this time.
Received: April 7, 2024
Resources, jobs, education, aid & opportunities for the billions trapped in poverty; For God's grace & peace to comfort all who are suffering; For the Holy Spirit to draw countless souls to the Father through Jesus; Strength for ministers of the Gospel & for more workers for local & international service; Peace & protection for all of the people of Israel & swift end to war; True and lasting revival to sweep across America and the earth; Saved loved ones to walk in the fullness of the Spirit
Received: April 7, 2024
Margaret Jeremiah
Please pray for my marriage not to end. My husband moved out of our bedroom four months ago and my apologies for any wrongdoing has yielded no peace. He told me that he has had enough due to how I have treated him the last 23 years. I love him deeply and the wrongs he is referencing are the normal things people differ about in marriage. He is not accepting he has not been perfect. I do not want the marriage to end after all these years and our kids being 15 and 11. Please pray for God to intervene and save our marriage and for my husband to listen to God..
Received: April 7, 2024
Father-God, Helps??? Father-God, Not my will, Thy Will Be Done? another Better, Employment, job, that Pays better, work at Home or work from Home, Self Employed, that l can do, still pickup my son from school Bus stop and take to school bus stop, Father-God, HELPS, Not my Will, Thy Will Be Done, on Earth? Amen??? UnEmployment is hurting me alot?? Can't pay Anything at all?? Behind Paying Rent, Electric and Gas Service, can't put food on the table?? Etc... Father-God Helps, your servant louie g. In Jesus Name Amen
Received: April 6, 2024
I would like prayer to have more faith in God, to wait on him to answer my prayer and to also not have anxiety/negative thoughts
Received: April 4, 2024
Please pray for my cousin Doug. He is homeless and he is struggling with a very serious addiction. Please pray for his salvation, that God will deliver him from his addiction, transform him and heal his mind and life. Also, Please pray for my son, Jonathan. He is facing some potentially life changing hardships and circumstances. Please ask God to deliver him from those who want to harm him and to give him favor where he needs favor in his life.
Received: April 4, 2024
Johnny Cullum
Pray for God to remove these murdering gunman from the land
Thrust out the enemy from before us
Received: April 4, 2024
Charlene Fredenburg
Please pray for two little boys with cancer. Julion is five years old and I don't know the other little boys name but it starts with an m. He is three years old. I pray for their recovery in Jesus name. Thank you so much.
Received: April 3, 2024
Father-God HELP's Your servant louie g. Get better in Health and Well being, so l can share the Gospel message with as many lost souls, Possible, that l can reach them with Gospel Message and put in as many, many, many Hands Possible,?? Father-God Helps and maintain my Health. and Well Being, Your servant louie g.,Thy Will Be Done? Father-God, Thy Will Be Done? Thank You Father-God. I'm Jesus Name Amen
Received: April 2, 2024
please pray for my health and life i need finances as well
god bless you all
Received: April 2, 2024
Lord Jesus, lay flat the demons and enemies in my house that attack me and seek my destruction and the destruction of my kids. Let their mocking and attacks be tolerated no more as they hinder our work for you. Make tomorrow a day to awake to a mopped, stain free floor forever forward. In your name Jesus!
Received: April 1, 2024
I am reaching out for prayer because I feel so lost at this point and I don't know where to turn. I am dealing with so much pain and anger in my life despite the positive things that have been happening that help alleviate the bad. I feel like when I get kicked I stay down and it takes such a long time to get back up. I lost a huge part of myself in September 2023 when my father died and I have not felt like I've been able to find stable ground since then. My lord I am in so much pain. I am in a bubble of anxiety, pain, and anger constantly and while I want to move outside of this and I make an effort.. when I start to push forward I feel like I trip myself up. I need prayer for my mental health, my relationships, and just my life.